Lasting Legacies

Spartan Legacy Society

The St. Stephen's Spartan Legacy Society preserves the tradition of giving and giving back to St. Stephen’s. Members of the Spartan Legacy Society, models of philanthropy for our school, have named St. Stephen’s as a beneficiary in their estate plans. These types of planned gifts, which support the school's endowment, provide perpetual financial support to the school, ensuring that St. Stehphen's remains vibrant and vital for future generations of Spartans.

St. Stephen's Spartan Legacy Society Members

Anonymous (3)
Coach Yvonne Adams*
Carol Margaret Allen
Platt Allen Jr.*
Kathryn Miller Anderson '71
Sara Clark Armstrong '68
Christine Aubrey
Evelyn W. Bailey*
Lou Porter Bailey '71*
Scott F. Bailey Jr. '70
The Rt. Rev. Scott Field Bailey*
Kenneth Barnett '68
Penny Balestrery Barstow
Dallas Baxter '60
Elizabeth* and Allen W. Becker*
Dianne Arnett Becker
Hildegarde Brewster Bird '53*
Kathleen Hughes Bomze '93 and Dan Bomze
Patricia Booker '65
Kennon and Roger Bowen
Mallory Boyle '04
William Brewster Jr. '51
Katherine Bailey Brown '05
J.P. Bryan '58
Linda R. Bulloch '60
Mary Bachman Burke '69
Ruth J. Buttrey*
Laura Camp*
Gretchen and Les Canter
Bettie Cartwright '60
Frederic Chapman '77*
Kathy Coe
Jim Collins '66
The Rev. James L. Considine*
Jeannette Schaleben Cook '58
Betty Ann and Don Cummins
Brad Cummins*
Phebe Davol '72
Cecilia Neuhaus Deaton
John Peyton Dewey Jr.*
E. Maurice Domengeaux '77
Cydney Donnell '77
Harrison Donnelly ’69
J. Chrys Dougherty III*
Christopher N. Edmonds '71
Claire B. Elkins
Alfred Harlan Epperson Jr. '56*
Judy and Tom Fairey
Kim E. Fairey '76*
Billy W. Folmar*
Sherrie and Dr. Bob Frachtman
Thomas Frakes '05
Carolyn Fricke
Dee Garcia
Evelyn Brantly Garrett '68
Ann Gateley '66
Gail* and John D. Gerhart '61*
Alexis D. Gleitman
Wallis Goodman
Frederick W. Gosling Jr. '58
Sandra Williams Graham '58*
Ricky Green '86
Rudolph H. Green '71 and Joyce Christian
James R. Gregston '69 and Sherry L. Gregston
Nancy and Chris Gunnin
Grace Hammett
Christopher Harman
John D. Heard '97
Eleanor* and John F. Heard*
Catherine and Clarke Heidrick '68
Elizabeth Anne Henna '87
Thomas Herbert '85 and Kirsten Roberts
The Rt. Rev. John* and Helen Hines*
The Rev. J. Stephen Hines ’67
Michael J. Hines '54
Jessie Otto Hite
Keith Dunbar Hollins '55*
Nancy J. Hopwood '60
Carol Horn
Emily Hummel '86
Ellen Jockusch '70 
Audra Marie Jones '86
Derek Jones '83
Linda Knapp Kelly '59
John B. Kennedy '59
Sue and Bob Kirkpatrick
Sue Leverton '62
Jane Dryden Louis '69
Liz Foster Luczycki '72
Lucille Lyons*
Shelly and Magnus Maccow
Charlene Moore Martin '55*
Ellen McCorquodale Martin '56
Maebess Matthews*
John Noble McElveen '88
John McFarland '68 and Jill McFarland
Mignon McGarry
Sarah S. Meacham
Standish Meacham Jr.*
Robert Merriam
Helen Candler Miller '66
Maynette More '65
Fred Myers '71
Thuy and The-Hiep Nguyen
Michelle Geo Olmstead
Jack O'Quin '67
Duncan E. Osborne '62
Elizabeth Bachman Osborne '62
Harry D. Page '72*
Dabney Park '59 and Betty Kirksey Park
Mike Childers Parten '69
Randy Parten '67
Karen Fife Payne '59
Gale Peña
Suzanne Cantarino Pfeiffer '84
Chris Phillips '65 and Meg Phillips
Robert S. Phipps III '78
Rosanne Harrison Pollard '64
Annie Ray Poth*
Anne Grayson Psencik '81
Jonathan Quander '89
Ellen Boddy Randall '61 and Edward Randall*
Ellen Osborne Ray ’86
Kathryn Respess*
Renn Rhodes '67
Patricia Henna Rowe ‘89 and Mark Rowe ‘88
Marschall Runge '72 and Susan Runge
Shelley Sallee
Lawrence and Libbi Sampleton
Nancy Wilson Scanlan '59
F. Michael Schultz '63
Jules Scruggs '81
Shirley Sherman*
Steven Smock
April and Nathan Speck-Ewer
Cindy Stadulis
Jennifer Stayton '85
Elizabeth Prosser Stirling*
Brian Sullivan
Cynthia Sullivan
Susan Sutton '82
Hannah L. Temple '91 and 
Chris L. Sanders*
Len Tesoro '88
Robert L. Thomas '57*
Helen L. Thompson '66
Paul Thompson Jr.
The Rev. Samuel R. Todd Jr. '58*
Sara Sanborn Todd '59*
Dianne Duncan Tucker '65
Dorothy M. Viles*
Charles Warlick '83
Doris Warlick*
Jack Welch '70
Nixon Wheat '71*
Martha* and Jack Whetsel*
Sally Speir White '58
Julia Matthews Wilkinson '64
Eileen Wilson
Mary Crawford Wolff '58
Susan and Robert Wozniak
Ted Wright '70
Michael Ybarra '98
Rue Winterbotham Ziegler '63 and John Ziegler
Anonymous (5)

If you have named St. Stephen’s in your will or estate plan, please let us know so we can thank you properly, include you in our annual report, and add your name to the Spartan Legacy Society.
Membership in the Spartan Legacy Society recognizes the generosity of those who have made a bequest to St. Stephen's in their will or estate plan. The Spartan Legacy Society members ensure that the mission of the Rt. Rev. John E. Hines and the Rev. William Brewster will continue to flourish independently of the vagaries of the economy.

Contact Us

Sarah Long
Director of Major Gifts 
(512) 327-1213 x217
Address: 6500 St. Stephen's Dr., Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 327-1213