St. Stephen's Takes Second in Texas Math League Competition
For the eighth year in a row, Spartan Math scored among the top-three teams in the state in the Texas Math League (TXML) competition, a series of six mathematics contests given to students throughout the academic year.
"I am thankful for how well our Spartans represented St. Stephen's this year," said Michael Oberle, Upper School match instructor and club sponsor. "It was a close competition right up to the end, both in team and individual standings."
In the team competition, St. Stephen's students closed the gap and tied with Plano East Senior High School for second place in the state. In the individual competition, 12th grader Eli Meyers and 9th grader Paul Seo tied for second place in the state, earning 33 out of 36 possible points in the six contests held this year. In addition, the following Spartans scored among the highest students in the state: 9th grader Thomas Guan, 12th grader Jael Dammann, 12th grader Ariaan Ghatate and 9th grader Susan Moseley.