Class of 2024 Continues Impactful Tradition of Senior Offerings

Toward the end of their time at St. Stephen’s, each member of the senior class is asked if there's a ceremonial gift they would like to give back to the community during chapel–as a way of showing gratitude, sharing lessons learned or advice. Offerings can take the form of a chapel talk, a musical or dance offering, or a video–all coming from the heart. This year, 31 seniors have stepped forward. 

“Senior Offerings are not a ‘look what I’ve done' performance,” said Chaplain and Theology instructor The Rev. Aimée Eyer-Delevett. “Our hope is that they can share a reflection of gratitude or share a lesson to help guide the students and school community as the seniors take their leave.”

Eyer-Delevett manages the very personal and planned out presentations, which has been a St. Stephen’s tradition for the last two decades. This year, Eyer-Delevett credits the St. Stephen’s student government leaders for the spike in popularity. She says the student group requested time during a previous chapel service to inspire students and educate them about Offerings and what they entail. As a result, more seniors have wanted to participate this year. Eyer-Delevett says many students have taken time throughout the school year to thoughtfully consider producing something personally meaningful to them and to those whom they make their Offering.

In January, Eyer-Delevett invited seniors to voluntarily submit an application, which asked them to briefly explain what they would like to share with their peers during Upper or Middle School chapels. The first requirement is that the presentation must serve at least one of the four general purposes of St. Stephen’s chapel:

  1. Gather for spiritual growth
  2. Share Biblical and personal stories that help us consider values, virtues, and principles
  3. Raise issues that help us practice compassion and respect
  4. Worship in the Episcopal tradition and celebrate our God-given diversity

Submitting an application for a Senior Offering does not mean it will be automatically accepted. Eyer-Delevett examines each submission to confirm it meets the criteria. Additionally, Offerings must be personal, well-rehearsed and appropriate for chapel. Seniors are also required to team up with an adult on campus and a member of the chapel liturgical team. Both help guide the student and make sure they’re thinking about how the Offering is giving back to the community. The presentation can be accompanied by visuals such as a powerpoint presentation created by the student, pictures or a video–or sometimes a combination of multiple elements.

This year’s Offerings have been extremely diverse, much like the senior class. From a self-written and self-produced monologue to dance offerings and honest chapel talks about both challenging and happy experiences on campus, Eyer-Delevett is proud to see evidence of personal growth, which is the goal. 

“It's yet another beautiful way that chapel becomes a place where the fullness of who we are as a community is celebrated and reflected back to us in ways that are invitational and joyful, and sometimes painful and sometimes challenging–and really, really important,” said Eyer-Delevett.

Senior Offerings continue through the month of May leading up to graduation.
Address: 6500 St. Stephen's Dr., Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 327-1213